Blair: Once men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how they settle for catfish. #gossipgirl
I just love this quote from Gossip Girl. I actually love all the lines blair says in the show and I can see the emotion on her face when I picture her saying this line haha. I was wearing this jacket on top of the see through blouse of the last post. The outfit of the last post looks so much different with only a jacket on top of it. Amazing how one piece can change a whole look and attitude so it deserves a different post. I'm still in love with the unique jacket which I found in a vintage shop in Amsterdam.
You cannot fake chic.
Hallo dears!! I'm currently sitting in my lovely room in Amsterdam enjoying it for the last time. I'm moving on Saturday because of my half year living in Madrid. I have a lot of sad and happy memories to this house and I really enjoyed living here for 2,5 years. I'm flying on 29 January to Madrid but first I have 2 weeks of exams ahead of me.. not looking forward to that! But anyhow about my look: I'm wearing a vintage white see through blouse with some gold jewellery. When I first saw the blouse I was hesitating because I don't want to look to exposed with men staring like I'm running around naked seeking for attention, but I forced myself to just go for it. Nothing wrong with showing some skin. I believe that while we're still young we should break all the rules and enjoy wearing risky clothes. There is no fun in keeping it safe. When I'm old I want to look back at my life and laugh about the clothes I was wearing and be proud of the courage I showed.
Dream without limits, think without limits.
Hope you all had some great christmas days!? My christmas -> Lots of food (too much food), lots of laughter and best of all lots of love. I found some time to make pictures on this amazing location. Wearing a new vintage jacket and my most (and only) comfortable shoes. Every time you see me wearing these shoes it means that I have to walk a lot that day. These are absolutely my shopping shoes. I want to end this post with the message that you can do, get and achieve everything that you want. I'm a firm believer in the law of attraction. What you think, believe and where you send your energy to -> you create. There are no limits, only the limits that you set for yourself.
Fierce humor, fierce peace and fierce tenderness
Good morning my dears. I already told you about the crazy creative vibe I get in the evening so it's not strange to believe that I'm posting this 3:20 in the (veryyy) early morning. My guy is sleeping as a sweetiepie next to me waiting for me to come to bed. I just couldn't sleep without finally finishing this post. This post just took me too long with waiting for the pictures etc. But here it finally is, better late than never right. And the only thing I absolutely need to tell you about this look is the amazing necklace I'm wearing. It's such a statement piece. I met this interesting and extremely nice girl, Sara, who has her own webshop called She sells one of a kind jewellery like this necklace but also bags and shoes with all an ethnic bohemian vibe. They are actually all made by hand in Marrakech! I just love items that has these unique cultural background. They tell a story and just feel so personal.
Let's fantasize about the summer
Sorry for my lack of updating! I still don't have the pictures I need in order to post a new look, I will get them tomorrow. But for now, let's dream about the summer, the sun and the blue sky. Close your eyes and try to see yourself standing in a field of flowers with a romantic dress on feeling the soft wind on your face and the warm sun on your skin. Summer is my season for sure. This picture was made last summer when it was such a beautiful weather.
I pick my friends like a pick my fruit.
Hello Dears. I'm posting this while I'm sitting in my room, warm and cosy. I'm hearing the rain and wind around the house and I'm glad to be inside. The title is a quote from the song appletree from Erykah Baduh. She is one of the most inspirational women I know. I really suggest everyone to look at her lyrics and try to understand what message she wants to bring.
I believe that the friends that you have in your life, really tells something about the person you are. I believe that you shouldn't have negative people in your life. The people who you surround yourself with have an enormousness impact on your thoughts, behaviour and even personality. You should be with positive, inspiring and motivating people constantly. You should never call someone your 'friend' if they don't give you freedom in expressing yourself. A lot of people give unasked unmotivated judging opinions that unconsciously lock you in a box and keep you from living up to your full potential. Even though these people can surely be fun to hang out with, you should choose your friends carefully. You should pick your friend like you pick your fruit.
A rebel is the one who lives totally according to his own light and risks everything else for his ultimate value of freedom.
PS. I want to thank you all for the sweet messages♥♥
That she is pretty doesn't mean you're ugly
I tend to get a serious creative and artistic vibe filled with inspiration in the middle of the night so it's not a surprise to me that I'm writing this post at 2:35 in the (early) morning. First thing first: my look. I wanted to show you this new vintage blouse//top/piece. I love the fabric and pattern. I kinda feel good in clothes that make me look like a crazy painting from another century. I'm wearing a H&M sparkly legging underneath to bring the top extra power. And I thought that the legging would balance the top just because the fabrics are both so 'out there'.
Then about my title: There is so much competitive female behaviour in the world that totally destroys the balance in life. Women tend to compare themselves to other women and measure their confidence on that information. And then I don't only mean the looks and clothes but also the degrees, the personality and the behaviour of the other women. If you notice that you can 'top' that women then you immediately gain energy and feel confident. But if you see that the other women has certain things that you don't possess but wish to, then you can feel terrible. Most of the times you start to talk bad about that women just to feel better of yourself. I just want to remind that if you see a 'perfect' person and feel the boiling 'jealousy' coming up that just because she is sexy, intelligent and well dressed that doesn't mean that you're not. That she is pretty doesn't mean that you're ugly.
Then about my title: There is so much competitive female behaviour in the world that totally destroys the balance in life. Women tend to compare themselves to other women and measure their confidence on that information. And then I don't only mean the looks and clothes but also the degrees, the personality and the behaviour of the other women. If you notice that you can 'top' that women then you immediately gain energy and feel confident. But if you see that the other women has certain things that you don't possess but wish to, then you can feel terrible. Most of the times you start to talk bad about that women just to feel better of yourself. I just want to remind that if you see a 'perfect' person and feel the boiling 'jealousy' coming up that just because she is sexy, intelligent and well dressed that doesn't mean that you're not. That she is pretty doesn't mean that you're ugly.
Some inspiration for the day! I'm going to take pictures on Thursday and in the weekend for new looks. See you then ♥
I want nothing but art and love.

If you show up looking a bit more glam than the rest, what's the worst-case scenario? You look the best in the room?
Hello my darlings. I wanted to show you a picture that my guy and I made for a schoolproject. He studies photography and he has to make his own magazine filled with pictures. He chose to make a ELLE magazine. This is actually the photo that he used for the cover. I'm wearing my own clothes and I'm looking a little more glam than you're used of me. It's a tight black dress with a silver skirt on top of it. This picture was also the perfect moment to use this post-title. Because I always notice, talking to girls, that they are afraid to be overdressed. Some people wish to know what others are wearing so that they don't stand out to much at a party for example. But I want everyone to think: If you show up looking a bit more glam than the rest, what's the worst-case scenario? You look the best in the room?' I believe that there is nothing wrong with looking the best in the room, just be proud with the fact that you look like a stunner who took the effort to dress up for a nice evening.
Blair and chuck got to come together at some point and have little Chuck babies in bow ties.
We made some pictures inside for ones. With the sun leaving us so early, it's more convenient for the lazy us to just take pictures sitting on a nice cosy warm bed. And it's nice to see a change for once right!. I never told you but I kinda have a big love for bow ties. I hardly ever wear them I know.. but I do adore them a lot. I most of the time prefer to wear jewellery on top of my blouses but I think I have to diverse sometimes. Wearing the lovely casual shoes which I talked about in my last post. I'm so craving to buy myself Dr.Martens but I have to save my money for a camera. I'm not the type to 'save money' so I have to stay strong haha. They will be mine soon though. <:-)
I think creativity and imagination is something that needs to be brought into the world as much as possible. That’s what I’m striving for.
Good evening (at least writing this in Amsterdam) my lovely HerPhoenix readers. Hope you're doing well? Made these two pictures while shopping with my guy. I was wearing this vintage jacket which I found for only 8 euro's in a small vintage shop. It reminds me of a chanel vintage jacket, the details are just stunning. I was wearing this animal print vintage blouse under the jacket with some casual shoes underneath. I tend to wear uncomfortable shoes a lot, even my 'casual' black vintage boots are not so pain free and delighted,. so it felt heavenly to walk around with these. I will post a detailed photo of them another day because I didn't get all the pictures yet. Something that you may not know about my guy is that sometimes I believe he is even more addicted to shoes than I am (..really..). He is on shoe-hunt on the internet 24/7 and knows all the important updates. I think that I'm going to do a post about his obsession with some pictures of the pieces that I love the most. He has for example amazing animal print dr, martens. I wish I could rock those, but they are just to big to walk on a daily basis. It's amazing that I can share my love for clothing with him. And with my dad!! If you would see his closet then you would know where my clothing addiction comes from. Every time that I visit him he shows my all the new items that he bought. He can match clothes like not a lot of dad's can. Besides that he always inspires me and provides me items form his own collection like (military)jackets and jewellery, isn't that great!?
Autumn brings that grey vibe
Do you know the feeling of looking in your closet full of (awesome) clothes and suddenly not liking any of it? Well that's the feeling I have with my autumn closet. Last year I was wearing black in combination with more black, leather, all day every day but it just doesn't feel right this year. I want to be able to wear bare legs and lots of white!! Dresses, skirts, shorts with heels..., yeah lovely. But when it gets colder, rainy, grey, and later on snowy I'm forced to leave all those wonderful items in the closet. And when the winter gets really bad, then you can only wear ugly shoes because of the persistent snow and layers on the layers of your layers to keep that body warm. And yes this is quit depressing but..... it also means a new challenge. Yeah I think you understand where I'm getting at. It's time to change the depressing autumn/winter closet! This means renewing and restyling old pieces but (unfortunately for my wallet) also buying some new pieces. My first warm/winterish item was this blue sweater. I've actually always hated sweaters, I just can't seem to feel feminine in it, but I think it should be possible.. Victoria (from: wears it all the time and looks quit sexy in it so I guess I just have to find the right way to pull it off. The black/white jacket on top is also new. Bought it as an anti-winter piece, ready for the next summer. Made an extra shot of my jewellery just because I love the rabbit ring so much. And I have to admit that I cannot leave the door without my YSL rings. I just saw a picture of some new YSL rings with some crazy colours, craving for them now of course.
Gossip Girl: But whatever you wear, always dress to kill.
Just as I promised, a new look. After my exams I finally got the time to find a great location and to shoot some pictures. I know that I've been wearing my JC on the last photos frequently but they just go with everything. And.... I have some news to share with you. I'm going to move to Madrid for a half year to study at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. I'm really excited ofcourse, new chapter, new adventure. I hope that I can find a new photographer for a couple of months so that I can keep providing you looks. So if you know someone in Madrid, hook me up hahah. + I want to thank everyone for the amazing comments on my last look, love you all! P.S. have you seen the latest gossip girl episodes? I'm so curious about the latest developments that I'm always counting the days till Tuesday morning when I can watch it online.
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